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“MKS is with us in Beverwijk, we know where to find each other”

Kitty Stoker about Medical Child Care Collaboration in the Children's Burn Center

Children's burns center Beverwijk

Kitty Stoker is a pediatric and burns nurse at the Children's Burns Center in Beverwijk. The centre, part of the Red Cross Hospital, has been working according to the MKS method for a few years now. This generates positive reactions from children and their families.

Kitty will speak at the MKS afternoon symposium 'Their lives, our care' on 20 April .

Three years ago, the children's and day treatment department of the Red Cross Hospital received the Silver Smiley from Kind & Hospital. “To achieve this, we worked very hard as a team to optimize child and family-oriented care,” says Kitty. “Introducing Medical Childcare Collaboration was an important part of this. Now, three years later, I can say that MKS is standing. Care through the walls of the hospital.”

Worth gold

The Children's Burns Center sees children from all over the Netherlands. The short lines with KinderThuisZorg, which also operates throughout the country, are worth their weight in gold. “Recently, a mother was in a panic because she could not properly arrange the care for her child at home. I then called KinderThuisZorg and after 5 minutes it was resolved. The next day, a nurse came to the child's home to treat the wound. It can be that simple. I am really proud of that. That we can act quickly and appropriately and organize it in the right way, for the child and the family. MKS is standing, we know where to find each other.”


“I also get positive reactions from the families. Every Thursday I have follow-up conversations with children and families. I then ask how things are going at school and at the football club. I also pay attention to the parents or other children in the family. We ensure that the families are accompanied at home in the care of the child after leaving the hospital. You also notice that parents can quickly take over the care themselves and are also ready to tackle this independently.”

Not complex

“I don't experience the MKS method as complicated, because it isn't. What you do is organize the right care for child and family. As a team, we have looked at what is needed to ensure that the process runs smoothly. You pick out what works for you. I also wrote a protocol, so that every nurse knows what the working method is and who they can turn to with different care questions.”

To collaborate

“Together with KinderThuisZorg, we organized an online symposium for all those involved during the implementation process. About the treatment and co-treatment of children with burns, the Children's Burns Center, the guidance of children and parents and the aftercare after the hospital, where care continues at home. This has worked extremely well, because after this people managed to find each other and the care at home is also well organized.”

What you give attention grows

“That also applies to MKS. We will therefore repeat the symposium soon, so that we can also reach new people and those who missed it then. It remains important to share the importance of MKS, because every child deserves good care in the right place.”

KinderThuisZorg: "MKS can be that simple"

It   Children's burns center Beverwijk has implemented the Medical Child Care Collaboration in the department together with KinderThuisZorg. Coordinates from KinderThuisZorg   Carina de Munck   the collaboration   of   the (pediatric) hospitals.

“About three years ago we came into contact with the Children's Burn Center. We work according to the MKS method as standard, because this is the only way the child and family receive the right care. Together with our colleagues in Beverwijk, we took a very practical look: what is needed at home, what do children and families need and what is workable for the department?”

“Actually, we have only improved the transfer from hospital to home care and vice versa and made agreements about how we communicate with each other. What do you write down so that the child and family do not have to tell the story again? Who do we link back to if there are questions from home? It is a good example of how easy the introduction of MKS can be. You look at the child and the family, and from there you arrange it. We only needed a few Teams meetings.”

“The examples that Kitty mentions are beautiful. That she hears back from the families that the care is well arranged. That's what it's all about. We revolve around children and families with the question: what do they need. That is the strength of MKS.”

Kitty Stoker and Carina de Munck talk about how MKS in Beverwijk is organized at the MKS afternoon symposium 'Their life, our care' on 20 April in Soest.

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The Beverwijk Children's Burns Center has implemented the Medical Child Care Collaboration in the department together with KinderThuisZorg. From KinderThuisZorg, Carina de Munck coordinates the collaboration with the (children's) hospitals.

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