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Goal and Strategy

The Knowledge Center for Palliative Care for Children aims to improve pediatric palliative care as an area of expertise and to embed it structurally and sustainably in the Dutch healthcare system. With a focus on knowledge and based on the power of networks, the Knowledge Center wants to realize the vision and mission together with a large national network of healthcare organisations, branch, professional and patient associations.


Core tasks

The objective of the Knowledge Center for Palliative Care for Children can be translated into a number of core tasks:

  • The bundling and making available of knowledge and information.
  • Initiating, facilitating and stimulating training and education for healthcare professionals involved in pediatric palliative care.
  • Initiating, facilitating and coordinating projects and research.
  • Stimulating and facilitating (knowledge) networks, both nationally and regionally.
  • Realizing consultation nationally and in the regions.
  • Acting as a national point of contact for questions about policy and financing of pediatric palliative care.
  • Providing an overview of local care.

National network

Because we don't do this alone, but together with our national network , this means that we are aware of the latest developments and that we can share this information quickly.


Strategic Multi-year Plan