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Improvement agenda resources

Improvement agenda resources

Parents of a seriously ill and/or care-intensive child experience many problems with the application and delivery of medical aids. It is often for a long time , it takes a lot of time to arrange and it is a frustrating process. They are not alone in this. This also applies to adult aids. Requesting, supplying and relocating aids must and can be improved. This is the aim of the project 'Improvement agenda resources'.

That is why several national organizations have drawn up a 'Standards Framework for Aids' that has been elaborated in the 'Improvement Agenda for Aids' project. This is a national project in which the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) is the driving force and in which the Knowledge Center for Palliative Care for Children has participated. We have incorporated the views of children and families into this. For example, two clear agreements have been drawn up that all parties involved must comply with in practice. A solution for anyone who needs an aid.

Improvement agenda resources


The intention is that all municipalities, care administration offices, health insurers and suppliers will apply the agreements made in practice. That means, among other things:

  • that when the child or family moves, the takeover of the aid (or aids) is arranged in accordance with the agreements in the covenant.
  • that the tailor-made aid remains available to the client when the client moves from one municipality to another, and when the client moves from the Wmo to the intramural Wlz.
  • that the parties include the described model-customized procedure in their implementing organization.
  • that the approach stipulates that a medical aid advice from the practitioner will be adopted as much as possible when assessing which medical aid is appropriate for the client.
  • that all parties deploy a form of tailor-made service for the target group with a difficult resource demand.


However, the parties themselves decide whether to sign the covenants. Therefore, ask whether your municipality and/or supplier signs the covenants. Don't they want that? Then refer to the VNG's call to do so.

Useful products

Two other important results of the project 'Improvement agenda aids' are the development of a signpost and the DRIVEcheck:

  • Guide: for people who want to apply for a resource, an explanation of how to apply for it, which authorities they will have to deal with during the access procedure and how the various players should act to ensure that this procedure proceeds quickly and carefully.
  • DRIVEcheck: an overview with points for attention in the field of treatment (how we treat each other). DRIVE stands for: purposeful, respectful, empathetic, resourceful and effective.

The Knowledge Center for Palliative Care for Children has shared its ideas for both products. In addition to the 'products' mentioned, the improvement agenda has also resulted in greater clarity in each other's processes and mutual understanding.

Monitoring and measurement

Monitoring the practice

The big question now is whether the agreed improvements will lead to a better and faster application and delivery of a resource. It is important to keep an eye on this. Former Minister Hugo de Jonge has therefore commissioned the VNG to carry out an effect measurement. Now and next year, people with a medical aid – or who apply for a medical aid – and their loved ones will be surveyed.


Unfortunately, all problems have not yet been (immediately) solved with the results achieved by this project. People who have problems with their aid(s) and cannot resolve it with, for example, their municipality, the supplier or the care office, can contact the Right Counter about this, via: 030-7897878 or

Handbooks and brochures

Various guides and brochures have been developed and adopted in the Aids Improvement Agenda project. We hope that the use of the products will contribute to the implementation of municipalities and other parties involved complying with the standards framework for access to resources.