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How do I have a conversation about meaning?

Attention to meaning is part of good care and it is important that parents feel supported. During the illness process, parents go through different periods in which they experience more or less space to reflect on their own needs and reflect on what their child's illness means to them.

To ensure that parents feel supported, it is important to match the needs of the parents at that moment. When parents experience room for reflection, it can be helpful to discuss what concerns them and how they experience their child's illness. Here are a few tips to better communicate with parents.

The goals of a conversation about meaning making are:

  • Reflection
    Giving parents the space to explore within themselves what is important to them and where their needs lie.
  • Listen
    The goal is not to find out as much as possible from parents, but to offer a listening ear.
  • Normalize
    By normalizing meaning as a subject in the care relationship, parents feel space to talk about their needs.
  • Direction
    A good conversation gives parents as much control as possible in the conversation. Emphasize that it is up to them to answer questions and respect parental boundaries.

The goals of a conversation about meaning making are:

Some tips to make a conversation go well

  • No solutions
    Do not offer solutions or suggestions. Leave it to the parents themselves whether they want to work on a solution at this time.
  • No assumptions
    Do not fill in for parents how they will feel about something, but ask openly what something means to them.
  • Peace
    Make sure you are calm and in the environment in which the conversation takes place; speak calmly, take your time, and limit distractions during the conversation.
  • Silences
    Don't be afraid to drop silences. Parents sometimes need time to think about a question.

Toolkit meaning

Below you will find our conversation guide and conversation cards, which contain guidelines and sample questions that you can use to talk to parents. You will learn how to use it in our training.