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EAPC went to Barcelona!

Kenniscentrum Kinderpalliatieve Zorg Afbeelding

A brief report of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies (EAPS) congress.

Once again, our CYP group was invited to contribute to the program of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies (EAPS) congress. This is a joint event of the European Academy of Pediatrics, the European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care and the European Society of Pediatric Research.

We submitted several proposals and were invited to 4 interdisciplinary sessions:

  • Palliative management of children diagnosed with single ventricle
  • Symptom control in complex chronic conditions
  • Perinatal palliative care – why and how?
  • Research with children – benefits and pitfalls

Over 3000 professionals from all over the world (114 countries!) registered for this congress. Our sessions were well attended, though initially the usual comments – “I don't know why palliative care need to be included here?…”, “palliative care has nothing to do with…”, etc. etc.

The session in Cardiology was particularly successful, resulting in a lively discussion amongst the neonatologists, cardiologists and intensivists in the room. They appreciated bringing this issue to the Congress and mostly agreed on the need to know more about palliative care involvement for these children and their families.

Overall, we think we made a good impression and look forward to continue contributing to increase awareness of pediatric palliative care needs.

If you have any ideas on these interdisciplinary sessions, please let us know! We do hope to be invited again…

Kenniscentrum Kinderpalliatieve Zorg Afbeelding

On the photo: Ana Lacerda (EAPC CYP RG chair) and Joana Mendes, who were speakers at the Congress.


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