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Strategic Multi-year Plan up to and including 2024

The strategic multi-year plan 2022 to 2024 of the Knowledge Center for Palliative Care for Children is the second multi-year plan since the foundation of the Knowledge Center in 2018. The first multi-year plan was mainly about building and furnishing the Knowledge Center and advancing research and new developments in the concern. This multi-year plan is about the next phase: the sustainable recording of what has been successfully developed. There are also three substantive themes on the agenda that should sustainably improve care for children and families. There is specific attention for palliative care before and around the birth of the child and for the transition to adult care, two subjects in which palliative care can develop further.

Because there are many studies and innovations coming up and there is a fairly small group of experts and professionals by experience, this means that we as a Knowledge Center have to keep a close eye on which activities are feasible.